EduOrg Platform
EduOrg Platform exists to facilitate the process of work and guide us to success. I mix and blend my advanced technologies with my expertise to come up with a smoother process:
I discuss my partners need
I propose a value-added package to my clients
I agree with the scope of the service​
I sign an agreement with My partner​s
I provide my partner with a log-in ID, as an example, on a regular basis, my client signs in using two factors of authentication and upload documents e.g. cash register, receipts, invoices, timesheet, bank statements, etc. in my hybrid storage.
I get notified once a new document is uploaded
I process the agreed work
I upload my deliverable to my platform
My partner gets notified with the uploaded documents
My partner logs in and review
My partner sign-off the agreement
I file and store data in my hybrid storage